- The greening of the European petroleum industry
- Facing the Climate and Digital Challenge: European Energy Industry from Boom to Crisis and Transformation
- Comparing Media Framings Of Climate Change In Developed, Rapid Growth And Developing Countries: Findings From Norway, China And Ghana 
- Public Policies for Corporate Social Responsibility in Four Nordic Countries: Harmony of Goals and Conflict of Means
- The Norwegian/ Nordic Model and its 21st Century Challenges
- Companies Squeezed Between Autocratic and Democratic Regimes
- Polycentric Governance in a Bipolar World
- The Greening of the European petroleum industry

- Regional economic effects of the green transition in the Nordics
- AFINO (Ansvarlig Forskning og Innovasjon i Norge)
- BioNEXT - The role of bioenergy in the future energy system
- Value Creation in Open Innovation

Atle Midttun PhD

Professor emeritus at BI Norwegian Business School


Department of Law and Governance

Department of Innovation and Economic Organization

Previous Research Center Responsibilities:

Co-Director of The Centre for Energy and Environment

Co-Director of The Centre for Corporate Responsibility

Teaching and Research Interests:

  Economic regulation, innovation, energy, sustainability, corporate governance and corporate social responsiblity

All texts and information about Atle Midttun on this webpage are under CC BY 4.0